Preparing For College Labs

There’s the age-old adage: labs are half the credit with twice the work. But half of that work should be completed before the experiment even starts. Here are steps on what to do before, during and after your labs. Read the protocol and watch videos in advance. Most college-level labs […]

Writing A College-Level History Essay

For most high schoolers, the phrase “essay-writing” conjures monotonous prose and the dreaded five-paragraph format. Luckily, these rules go out the window with college. Unfortunately, they get replaced by other, stricter rules. One of the subjects where this transition is more jarring is history. Throughout secondary schooling, students are taught […]

Nailing College Interviews

At seventeen, I did not have ample experience interviewing (apart from the mock interviews that Academic Decathlon requires). In fact, my college interview was essentially my first real interview. So, I ironed out the pleats in my skirt, steamed my blazer, and put my fate in the hands of the college admissions gods. Luckily, you […]