Bulldog Tutors is launching homework clubs for students at its primary location in New Haven and its office in Guilford.
Participating students will benefit from two-hour sessions in which Bulldog’s test prep and subject tutors work with groups of five in an environment free of distractions and goal-oriented. The homework clubs will also provide continuity of assistance as students and tutors form constructive relationships.
In their formative stages, the homework clubs are tentatively planned for Tuesday and Thursday in New Haven and Tuesday in Guilford, but the scheduling will be tailored to the needs of parents and students.

Welcome to Bulldog Tutors’ office in New Haven.
“We want to accommodate as many people as possible,” said Madison Masters, the Lead Academic Coordinator for Bulldog Tutors who oversees Bulldog’s expert prep services for tests used in secondary school, college, and post-grad admissions, including the SSAT, SAT and ACT, LSAT and MCAT.
The homework clubs, focused on middle and high school subjects, are a way for Bulldog to satisfy a need and share the expertise of its Yale-educated tutors with students who don’t need individual tutoring.

Madison Masters
In this case, the tutors will help students succeed and enhance their grades by providing professional guidance, answering questions, interpreting difficult assignments and helping students better understand what teachers are looking for.
“Our offices are good, productive environments and students will benefit from sitting in one of the group rooms with other like-minded students who are focused on getting their homework done,” Madison said. “They’ll learn excellent study skills in the process.”
Parents will also benefit from having the homework clubs as a resource, allowing them to handle their busy schedules without added stress and be freed up for their own pursuits as students take advantage of Bulldog Tutors’ resources.
The Connecticut-based online resource for teachers and administrators Education World discussed homework clubs in a website post, citing examples including homework clubs in Toronto, Canada. Coordinated by the Toronto Public Library, the initiatives were in place in 33 of the library’s 99 branches. “Certainly, a student could go from a C to a B” by participating, a program administrator said in the story. By extension, a B student might earn an A through expert assistance provided in a homework club.

A classroom at Bulldog Tutors in New Haven.
Homework clubs are also beneficial for teachers. In an Education Week exchange of comments as part of a forum on mistakes administrators make, Dr. Jenny Grant Rankin, who among a long list of credentials has been honored by the White House for her contributions to education, listed homework clubs as one positive way to help “relieve teachers of added, after-hours responsibilities.”
Madison Masters, a Yale graduate who has been accepted to medical school, comes from East Windsor, Conn., where she posted the highest SAT score recorded in her town, placing in the 99thpercentile. She has been a test prep and subject tutor for more than five years, and helps college-bound students choose between the SAT and ACT, or decide to take both.
She works in tandem with Jessica Magro, Bulldog Tutors’ Director of Admissions Consulting and a fellow Yale graduate.
Together they offer guidance on all the factors in the formula students must understand and follow to be accepted by top colleges and universities—based on grades and SAT or ACT scores but also including many other important elements of a winning student profile.
Jessica was accepted by all five Ivy League universities to which she applied, Yale, Harvard, Dartmouth, Brown, and the University of Pennsylvania, and has been counseling students on the admissions process ever since. Students who have worked with her have attended highly competitive schools, including MIT, UC Berkley, NYU, and George Washington University, as well as Ivy League universities like Yale, Princeton, and the University of Pennsylvania.
Homework club inquiries should be directed to Madison by phone at (203) 562-1000 or by email at [email protected].
Contact Jessica for information on admissions consulting by phone at (203) 562-1000 or by email at [email protected].
About Bulldog Tutors
With offices in New Haven and Guilford, Bulldog Tutors provides the highest quality private tutoring, test prep, and college admissions counseling in Connecticut. Bulldog’s Ivy League-educated tutors have achieved top scores on every exam that they teach and take a personalized approach to instruction that targets students’ weaknesses and helps them succeed on admissions tests and in subjects where they may have been under-served by traditional educational settings.
The New Haven office is located at 142 Temple Street, 3rd Floor, and the Guilford office is located at 2257 Boston Post Road, Suite B.
For additional information, call the New Haven office at (203) 562-1000, or see the Bulldog Tutors website, https://bulldogtutors.com.